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Blue Monday? Try Motivation Monday Instead!

Blue Monday falls on January 21st this year, but what is Blue Monday?

The name Blue Monday tends to be attributed to the third Monday in January. Why though is that? According to calculations made at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, attached to Cardiff University, that’s the day we feel most depressed in the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s also the day people are most likely to call in sick to work. Coincidence? I think not!

Although there is a formula to calculate when Blue Monday falls, it is not really all that scientific, when you take into account vague attributes such as “weather” “reduced daylight hours” and “low motivational levels”. Nevertheless, over the years, companies and social media movements have used the concept of Blue Monday to sell or promote to their advantage.

While Blue Monday might seem like a bit of an excuse to fall into a slump, you could instead take it as a lesson in self-awareness and use the day as a marker to improve your life. The original press release for the ‘day’ was attributed to Cliff Arnall, then a tutor at Cardiff University, but in 2018 he told the Independent newspaper, that he never intended the information to be melancholy. In fact, he had hoped it would inspire people to make changes in their lives, a day to take action.

Blue Monday is an opportunity to check in with your mental health, gauge how you are feeling and take steps to boost your mood and self-esteem.

· Have you stuck to your resolutions? If not, why not?

· Have you noticed any patterns emerge in your mood or behaviour that you can challenge?

· Have you treated yourself lately? It might be time to do something nice for you.

How can you help yourself this Blue Monday?

Have you had a pain or underlying medical condition that needs looking at? Pain and worry can weigh heavy on the mind and contribute to the blues.

We have osteopaths available who can help with a plethora of common conditions including headaches, back and joint pain and tired achy muscles and able to give advice on your overall health and fitness.

We also have acupuncturists available who can help with emotional and sleep problems; pain throughout the body; anxiety and assist with infertility as well as other conditions that might be affecting you physically and or mentally. Maybe it’s time to see a trained therapist who can help you through difficult emotional problems, past traumas or even help with motivation or self-esteem to give you a boost in the right direction.

If you are feeling in need of a treat to perk you up, Surrey Beauty Therapy have an array of treatments to suits your needs as well as your pocket. A facial or manicure could be just what you need to take the edge off of your January blues.

If you haven’t already, why not use Blue Monday to take stock of where you’re at mentally and emotionally? You deserve to be happy and to look after yourself, either by addressing something that is affecting your wellbeing or simply with some you time.

Help and support are available if you are having trouble, but whatever happens, don’t let Blue Monday stop you in your tracks; use it to get back on the right track and ask for help if you need it.

It is important to remember that everyone has bad days or periods were they feel brain fog or sometimes even more severe symptoms such as depression. Often these low feelings will pass with a little TLC but if you are adversely affected by any of the issues in this article you can call The Samaritans on 116 123.

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